What is the best way to cheer for your team? That's simple. "Roll Mullets?" Why "Roll"? That's simple too.
I grew up in SEC country watching teams like Georgia, Auburn and Alabama...as in, the Crimson Tide. If you don't know what I am talking about, SEC country is the underneath part of America where schools still teach the bible and the first commandment goes a little something like this: "I am the lord your god, and SEC football is my preferred sport."
Here's a nice little anecdote. Once upon a time, Never Won and I were playing a game called "If I couldn't go to the University of Michigan, I would go to ____________." His answer was the University of Texas. Wrong. The correct answer is LSU. Go figure, Never Won didn't win.
Back to my original lesson. I have humbly adapted the University of Alabama's "Roll Tide" to fantasy basketball. And, you know what, I think it works better for fantasy basketball, thank you.
Let me prove this point by example:
Roll Mullets
Roll Krstic
Roll Best League Ever
Roll Stat Tracker
Hook 'em HORNS!
Fear the TURTLE!
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