In an effort to familiarize our readers with the members of Best League Ever, we asked each team to fill out a survey. The answers that follow here (and in all future profiles) are from that survey.
Side note: Since our "readers" are almost exclusively Best League Ever members, this feels a bit like "allow myself to introduce myself." In any case...
For those of you who don't know Flux, you are in for a treat. You see Flux is a conundrum. He's not really a sports fan. He's more a fan of sports. He likes the competition but doesn't care about the game. He likes betting on sports and watching games but you never get the sense that he really cares one way or the other about the outcome.
That's always been true about his Best League Ever participation. Well, except for the part about watching games. We're not sure Flux could pick any of his players out of a lineup or even knows what team they play for. But he loves participating in Best League Ever and for that we, in turn, love him.
(As previously mentioned this dedication to fantasy hoops seems to have been jacked up to a new level this year, but the jury is still out on how honest this new found dedication is or how strong it would be if Flux wasn't in 1st place after week 1. Also, please note that his answer to "Best fantasy move you ever made" is actually a move he made in our FOOTBALL league).
To Flux's credit, he does have one hell of a draft Excel sheet which he's dubbed "The Matrix."
So without further adieu, let's meet Flux:
Team Name: The Flux
Personal Nickname(s): Greenie,
Current Residence:
Occupation(s): Real Estate Mogul wanabee, Engineer behind The Matrix
Biggest pet peeve about Mr. League: I don’t have access at work
Do you use the Watch List: ????
Most important stat or piece of info for evaluating players: Whatever THE MATRIX tells me (unless its Kobe Bryant/Shawn Marion and then I add 20)
Word Association:
Fantasy basketball: I Love This Game
StatTracker: addict
Auction: Where Amazing Happens
Blog: Keeps my occupied during the credit crunch
Mr. League: You should have one
Facebook: stalker
League Freak: N/A
Strawberry: Banana
Misers: MY BITCH
Last major purchase: Cartier Roadster
Next major purchase?
If you're a Back to the Future nerd like The Misers you'll enjoy the comments on the page that Shap provided.
Go look who posted the second comment. The really long one about being from the future.
Yes, posted by none other than 'Eddy Curry'
The comments are really the best part of that page, the actual product is pretty lame.
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